The Cauldron Digital Tarot Reading


The Cauldron Tarot Spread is a great alternative to the standard Celtic Cross and a great option for an in-depth deep dive into your current life path. I will interpret your past, present, and potential future. I also cover your current stance within the world, along with your overall orientation to the universe. Additionally, I will take note of obstacles on your current path, shed light on the people who surround you, and give a final view into personal outcomes.

Once the reading is complete, I will then provide a multi-page PDF document containing the results of the reading. This PDF includes a photo of the spread, along with a brief history of each card and his full interpretation. This information will be emailed 3-5 business days after the order has been received.


Disclaimer:  Tarot card readings are intended to be informative and fun. They are not a replacement for professional legal, medical, or psychological expertise.

Any discussion or interpretation of the future is simply a suggestion of the querent’s current life path. The Tarot is meant to guide and outline the possibilities, but a querent has the ultimate say. Actions and choices can shift and change the outcome of a reading.

Nick is not responsible for any actions a querent takes or the decisions they make in response to a reading.

Nick does not give medical, legal, or financial advice.

Nick is not a certified counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, or health care professional. Nick does not assume any legal liability for damages, losses, or other consequences for any querent’s decisions or actions following or based on readings/content. By participating in a reading, the querent agrees to waive any claims against Nick and to accept these terms, assuming full responsibility for their own actions, decisions, and conduct.

Page of Cups Tarot Readings are for entertainment purposes only.
